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검색어 :
NEC => Renesas Technology
NEC => Renesas Technology
부품명(s) : CMOS-4 CMOS-4A
NEC => Renesas Technology
NEC => Renesas Technology
상세내역 : 1.5-Micron CMOS-4 and -4A
부품명(s) : UM6104 UM6104-1
UMC Corporation
UMC Corporation
상세내역 : 1K x 4 CMOS SRAM
상세내역 : EOS and ESD Transil™ protection for charger and battery port
부품명(s) : AD9430/PCB-CMOS
Analog Devices
Analog Devices
상세내역 : 12-Bit, 170 MSPS 3.3V A/D Converter
부품명(s) : NTE6508
NTE Electronics
NTE Electronics
상세내역 : Integrated Circuit CMOS, 1K Static RAM (SRAM)
상세내역 : 14-Bit, 80 MSPS, A/D Converter
TY Semiconductor
TY Semiconductor
상세내역 : PNP Silicon Epitaxia
부품명(s) : TLV4976-1K SP000803730
Infineon Technologies
Infineon Technologies
상세내역 : Value Optimized Hall Effect Switch with Current Interface for Industrial and Consumer Applications
austriamicrosystems AG
austriamicrosystems AG
상세내역 : 650mA, Ultra low Ripple Step Down DC/DC Converter
상세내역 : Standard Pitch DIP Adapters
상세내역 : CMOS 1K x 9 FIFO
부품명(s) : UM6114 UM6116
상세내역 : (UM6114) 1k x 4 CMOS SRAM ,(UM6115) 2K x 8 High Speed CMOS Static RAM
상세내역 : 32Kx8bit CMOS SRAM
상세내역 : 32Kx8bit CMOS SRAM
상세내역 : 128Kx8bit CMOS SRAM
부품명(s) : HT93LC46
Holtek Semiconductor
Holtek Semiconductor
상세내역 : CMOS 1K 3-Wire Serial EEPROM (Rev - 2007)
상세내역 : 1K / 2K / 4Kbit Serial CMOS EEPROM
부품명(s) : HT93LC46
Holtek Semiconductor
Holtek Semiconductor
상세내역 : CMOS 1K 3-Wire Serial EEPROM (Rev - 2009)
상세내역 : 32Kx8bit CMOS SRAM
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